How to make credit card payment
Credit card bill due date is nearing but not sure how to pay? Here's a quick and comprehensive guide on how to make your credit card payment.
Where to deposit credit card payment?
All credit cards have a bank account linked to them in which the record of your payments is maintained. Making your credit card payment is simply a matter of adding money to this account.Here are some ways in which you can do this:
Online payment by debit card / netbanking
Making your credit card payment online through debit card or netbanking is the fastest and easiest way to pay your bill. Find your credit card bank below and simply click on the link. You may need to enter your credit card details or the details of your credit card account no. so keep those handy:
My bank wasn't listed above. How should i pay?
If your bank wasn't listed above, it means that they don't allow online payments without logging in to your net banking portal. In such a case you should try one of the options below:
Internet banking portal
Log into you banks internet banking portal and find your linked credit cards. Pay your bill as per instructions on the internet banking portal.
All credit cards have an account no. linked to them. This is the account where all your credit card payments are deposited, whichever you make the payment. If you know this account no. (usually a/c no=credit card no.), then you can simply make a NEFT / IMPS transaction into this account number like any other money transfer.
By Cash deposit/cheque deposit
Similar to the above option of NEFT / IMPS, transferring money into this credit card account by either cash or cheque deposit will also result in a successful payment. Of course, you will need to visit the bank branch and for this reason, this is the most difficult and least preferred option.
Can i pay using UPI?
It should be possible to pay using UPI but most banks haven't provided this facility so far even though UPI is one of the fastest and easiest ways to pay. At PaySay however, all payments are done through UPI. Making your PaySay payment is just a matter of 3 clicks.
What is PaySay?
PaySay is an Instant Credit Card. Sign up on our mobile app and provide a few basic details to get started with your instant credit. Unlike a physical credit card where it takes 3-4 weeks to apply, receive the card and start paying, PaySay lets you start paying in just 3 minutes.